Monday, April 22, 2019


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We will start at The Edmund Burke at 6:30 PM and work our way east.

A prayer...

In 4 days we embark on an epic journey... and as we do so, let us take a moment to say a prayer to The Hoppy Gods of old, The Lord of the light beer, and the drowned Gods.

The Night gathers, and now my drink begins. It shall not end until my death. Tonight I shall take no bartender to wife, tonight I shall hold no hands, tonight I shall father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory, I shall only drink, drink and drink, as it is all that is expected of me this night.

For the Night is cold and full of terrors.

And I may die tonight but what is dead may never die, But rises again harder and stronger.

24 hr in a day ... 24 beers in a case .... coincidence? ... I think not!


We're starting at The Edmund Burke at 6:30 PM